
   首先要恭喜吟屏, 微晶和昕雯答對昨天所有的問題, 再添三分. 至於沒有全對的寶貝, 你們所犯的錯誤如下:

慧馨: 第二題: Because she wants tobe an LVN which means Licensed Vocational Nurse. (to be)

        第三題: 答案錯誤

郁婷: 第三題: He was bothered when someone steals something out of my launchbag…(is, his, lunchbag)

沂霖: 第一題: He drives a big truck, acab-over job. ( a cab-over job)

         第三題: When someone steals something out of my lunchbag...(his)

 佳勳: 第一題和第二題: 答案錯誤

         第三題:  He  bothered when someone steals something out of his lunchbag...( is bothered )



請所有的寶貝們在作答的時候要注意拼字的正確與書寫的規則, 才不會因為粗心而拿不到該得的分數. 準備好了嗎? 今天的題目是:

1. What does Leigh’s favorite author think is the best way to get to be am author?

2. Where do students in Leigh’s school keep their lunch bags and boxes?

3. What did Leigh get from his father for Christmas?


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