
首先要恭喜 吟屏 答對昨天所有的問題, 再添 3! 昨天有一位寶貝以訪客的身分登入作答, 最後卻沒有特別署名, 因此老師無法幫你加分。 請這一位忘記署名的寶貝今天以悄悄話的方式告訴我你的名, 我才能把你應得的分數補上, 以免影響競賽排名。


昨天幾乎所有答錯的寶貝們都是「栽」在第2題的時態, 老師特別在此說明以釐清正確的用法:

1. Jack always says he will travel around the world some day.

2. Jack said he would travel around the world some day.

寶貝們有沒有注意到以上這兩個句子的差別呢? 雖然第 1 當中的 “ he will travel around the world some day" 和第2句當中的 “ he would travel around the world some day” 中文翻譯都是「他有朝一日要環遊世界」, 都是指未來要做的事, 但是為什麼根據我們所學的未來式文法, 2句卻不用 will? 關鍵就在於第2句的第一個動詞用得是 過去式 said, 所以後面子句的助動詞 will 也要變成 過去式 , 也就是 would


3.  Jack said, I will travel around the world some day.

4.  Jack said he would travel around the world some day.

如果套用老師之前的說法, 3句第1個動詞用的是過去式said, 為什麼後面的子句 I will travel around the world some day. 卻不需要把will 改成過去式 would ? 英文文法規定: 如果是「直接引用」說話者當時的說法(如第3 用英文的引號 (  ) 表示) , 則未來式 will 不需要改成過去式 would。相對地, 如果不是直接引用 (如第4 ), 那麼前面動詞若是過去式, 後面子句的動詞也要變成過去式。請寶貝們以後要特別注意這個特殊用法。



1. Who was the dead man on the bed? (p. 49)

He was Scrooge.

2. Scrooge wanted to change his future. What promises did he make to the third spirit? (p.50)

He promised that he would remember the past and think of the future, (he would) be good to other people, (he would) keep Christmas in his heart, and (he would) try to be kind, cheerful, and merry every day.

3. What did the third spirit become in the end? (p.50)

It became a bedpost.




He will (would) remember the past, think of the future, be good to other
people, keep Christmas in his heart, and try to be kind, cheerful, and
marry (merry) every day.



He promised that he would (少寫 remember the past and think of the future,) be good to other people, keep Christmas in his heart, and would try to be kind, cheerful, and merry every day.



He promise (promised) he will (would) remember the past, and think of the future, (少寫 be good to other people,) keep Christmas in his heart, and will (would) try to be kind, cheerful, and merry, everyday (every day要分開寫成兩個字) .



He promised that he will (少寫remember the past and think of the future,) be good to the other people, keep Christmas in his heart, and try to be kind and cheerful (, cheerful and merry every day) .




He will (would) remember the past, and think of the future. He will (would) be good to other people. He will (would) keep Christmas in his heart, and will (would) try to be kind,cheerful,and (逗點後面都要空一格才能寫下一個字) merry, every day.




He was Caroline. (答案錯誤)

He will (would) be good to other people. (答案不完整)



He promised he would (少寫remember the past and think of the future, and) be good to other people. He would keep Christmas in his heart, and will (would) try to be kind, and cheerful, and merry, every day.



1. Scrooge looked out his window and saw a boy on Christmas Day.

     What did Scrooge ask him to buy?

 2. Where in London did Bob Cratchit live?

3. What lessons did you learn from the book?




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