

寒假英語讀本的問答競賽已經過了一半, 郁婷, 慧馨, 微晶和沂霖是固定的班底, 每天都很認真地回答問題, 稱得上是認真學習的好學生. 其他的寶貝們也要加油, 只要你們每天跟著進度確實閱讀, 一定有迎頭趕上的機會. 

昨天的問答競賽中, 只有郁婷因為達對一題而獲得一分. 其他寶貝們都是因為拼字錯誤, 時態錯誤, 或是回答不夠完整而無法得分, 非常可惜.  以下就是你們昨天所犯的錯誤:

郁婷: 第一題: 少寫了第三個答案.

微晶: 第一題的第二個答案They get out of shape from sitting such long hours without exercise and from eating to much greasy food. ( too )  

          第二題: When Leigh's father stop along with some other truckers to put on chains, he let Bandit out of the cab, and he close the door. he think Bandit would get right back (  ), but Bandit didn't. ( 正確的寫法依序為stopped, closed, He, thought, in ) 

慧馨第一題: 少寫了第二和第三個答案

           第二題: 回答太過簡略

沂霖: 第一題: 少寫了第二和第三個答案

          第二題: Leigh's father lets Bandit out of the cab. He thought he would get right back in because it was sowing so hard , but (  )he chain up, Bandit wasn't in the cab. ( 正確的寫法依序為let, snowing, after, chained ) 


其實, 你們有四個小時的作答時間, 時間非常充裕.  我希望寶貝們在找到答案並寫完回答之後, 務必確認自己所寫出來的回答與題目所用的時態相符, 並且自己閱讀一次, 看看自己是否遺漏或是拼錯任何單字. 不需要因為急就章而犯下粗心的錯誤, 導致徒勞無功. 加油, 希望你們能從錯誤中學到教訓, 一次比一次表現更好!



1. Why did Leigh’s mother marry his father?

2. Why doesn’t she love him anymore?

3. Mr. Fridley saw that Leigh was about to make trouble at school. What was his advice to Leigh?

4. What do all the boys write about for the Young Writers’ Yearbook?


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