

 首先要歡迎吟屏和承恩, 在過年之後再次加入「戰局」, 讓閱讀競賽更具競爭性. 昨天的問答中, 表現最好的是慧馨, 承恩和沂霖,

 答對三題, 各獲得三分. 你們所犯的大大小小錯誤如下:


慧馨: 第二題: Because him loves the excitement of life on the road, but she don't. (正確的寫法依序為 he, doesn’t)

吟屏: 第一題: Because she was in love with Liegh's father. ( Leigh’s)

           第二題: 沒有作答

                   第              第三題: He said that turning into a mean-eyed lunch-kicker won't help anything, and Leigh goes to think positively.

                                     (正確的 寫法依序為wouldn’t, got)

微晶: 第三題: Mr.Fridley advice Leigh got to think positively  (advised, to, 句尾要有句點)

第四題: They wrote weird stories full of monsters, lasers and creatures from outer space. (時態要用現在簡單式: write) 

承恩: 第四題: All of the boys write about weird stories full of monsters, lasers and creatures from outer space (沒有句點)

沂霖: 第四題不夠完整: They are writing about weird stories full of monsters, lasers and creatures       . (from outer space)


今天的題目中, 前兩題是過去式, 而第三題是現在式, 請寶貝們回答的時候要特別注意時態喔 

1. What did Leigh do with the money his father sent to him?

2. What steps did Leigh take to make a burglar alarm?

3. Why does Barry need a burglar alarm for his room?


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